Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Eternal Shine

Like the blazing wildfire
with its threat dire
make sure this you hear
which brings in the minds
of the deceitful fear
Take this to your heart dear
for there is nothing else
more worthy of revere
The glory of the knowledge spreads
as you share it with your peer.

Funny or cynical?

Suppose you make up a joke and want to share it with someone. If you say that you made up the joke, people will not find it funny unless you are a popular comedian. Even many comedians narrate their jokes as though it happened to somebody else. Although I am sure that they are modifying the facts. Now why is this case? I cannot get an answer to this question without being cynical. Are they jealous that you are funny? But envy is not convincing enough to explain this behavior or rather maybe I don’t want to believe it. Maybe I am not cynical enough. But I cannot fail to ignore the fact that the only way you can make someone laugh by saying something about yourself is by ridiculing yourself.

It is also possible to be funny by ridiculing a third person, like someone you dislike. But more often it might as well be one of our friends. Sometimes, we just laugh at how silly one of our friends can be. But is it always so? Why is ridiculing our friends funny? The unscrupulous act of ranting off about your friends on careful scrutiny unravels the dark emotions hidden inside. And if these emotions are not faced under the scorching wrath of our own conscience, they can make us a bad person even by our own standards. If we think about it, there are three main reasons why we may indulge ourselves in such an act:

  1. We are euphemistically putting out a condescending remark about that person.
  2. We are angry that he/she thinks he/she is better than ourselves or at least, that’s what we think.
  3. Or the worst, we think we are better than him/her.

Of course, the above points are not always true, but when they are, they are worth contemplation.

Geeks have fun too!!!

I just realized as I am typing in Microsoft word, All the swear words which I can think of are actually in the dictionary. I did not get that wavy underlining that you get when you type a new word. Microsoft actually recognizes the word “motherfucker”! Really! You can try it if you want. It also recognizes bitch, crap, asshole, tramp, slut and many other things which are not appropriate even for this blog. The engineers who compiled the Microsoft dictionary sure had their cut of fun. And surprisingly and somewhat unrelated to this topic, the word “blog”, it does not recognize.

Intersting Point (by me)

Be completely honest to yourself and you will speak the truth.

Interesting point (by me)

We did not bring anything with us nor will we take any. That is why we must try our best to leave our ass-prints in as many places as we can.


We have complicated our language with so many indirect statements, idioms, slang and jargon that a guy who starts taking things literally will literally go crazy. And this guy can be grossly misinterpreted if he starts talking to people literally. For instance, this guy tells someone, “I will kick you in the ass”. The other poor guy did not see what was coming. A woman says to him “Fuck you asshole”, and he goes “yaaaiiii”. And needless to say we get thrown into a whole new dimension about swearing literally. You get really pissed off when someone calls you “motherfucker”, imagine how pissed off this guy will get. When some guy sighs in disappointment “Fuck me”, he says “dude, I don’t do that to guys”. And we finally get an answer to the question “Who let the dogs out?”….. and the answer is “That guy”.