Saturday, December 19, 2020

Social security is an investment, not just a safety net

 No, I don't mean it in the way that individual tax payer is investing/saving a part of their salary so that they he/she can get it back later. 

The money in the social security trust fund is invested in treasury bonds. What this means is the money people pay into the social security fund is "loaned" to the government which is then free to use the money in any way it pleases, as long as it pays the interest. In this way, we are investing in the country when we make social security payments. 

???? does this make sense? 

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Trump administrations' systematic attack on immigration



  • June 22, 2020: Trump issued an executive order freezing all new H1B (along with many other) visas. 
    • The rationale was that this would protect Americans from Covid infections. The government provided this rationale while downplaying the impacts of Covid domestically. This order is still in effect. 
  • October 28, 2020: USCIS increased the salary requirements for H1B workers citing this will protect US jobs. 
    • December 4, 2020: A US district court vacated this order. If allowed to be enforced, this would have effectively reduced the number of  H1B visas. 

Green cards

  • April 22, 2020: Trump issued a executive order freezing issuance of all green cards (with few exceptions) for people outside the United States.  
    • The rationale was that this would protect Americans from Covid infections. The government provided this rationale while downplaying the impacts of Covid domestically. This order is still in effect. 

  • July 6, 2020: Government announces F1 visas will not be granted to students taking only online courses. Students who are already in the US and taking only online courses must leave the country. 
    • Several states filed a law suite immediately after issuing this rule, and the government reversed its decision. 


  • September 5, 2017: DOJ announced that it rescinding the DACA program. 
    • After lengthy court battles, supreme court reversed this rescission. Acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf refused to follow the courts order. That resulted in another law suit, and a federal judge ruled that Mr. Wolf did not have the authority to refuse the court's order because he was not appointed to that position properly. The constitutionality of the program is still being litigated in courts. 
    • DACA is an executive program. The legal battles and uncertainty of millions of people living in the US can be avoided if Congress passes the DREAMS act


There is so much here, I am just posting links. 

Travel ban 
  • September 24, 2017: Trump administration issued an executive order which banned entry to all non-citizens from several muslim-majority countries. 
    • This order was the third in a series of failed attempts to ban people from muslim countries to enter the US. The government was able to move this through the courts finally after adding a few non muslim-majority countries.